The History of the Stepping Strong Center
The Stepping Strong Center is committed to catalyzing multidisciplinary collaborations in the field of trauma research and care. Hear from Stepping Strong medical leaders about the center’s goals and how we are turning tragedy into hope for trauma patients.
Our Stepping Strong Center Community
The spirit of the Stepping Strong Center is to build a community — from our runners who are helping us fundraise, to our researchers and doctors who are making groundbreaking discoveries. The Stepping Strong Center is home to all who are dedicated to transforming trauma care for survivors worldwide.
Training Video: How to Stop the Bleed
In Ukrainian, Brigham and Women’s Hospital surgeon Nelya Melnitchouk describes for laypeople the skills displayed by Stepping Strong Military-Civilian Advisor, Dr. Eric Goralnick, which are needed to quickly stop blood loss and potentially save a life during a crisis or traumatic situation. These methods are part of the national Stop the Bleed campaign.
The FORTE Project: Redefining Trauma Recovery
Each year, 3 million people are hospitalized in the US due to traumatic injuries. While 96% survive, many suffer long-term consequences. Led by Juan Herrera-Escobar, the FORTE project is a multi-institutional research collaboration that collects, analyzes, and interprets long-term outcomes after traumatic injury.
Protecting Frontline Workers with 3D-Printed Face Shields
With funding from the Stepping Strong Center, Innovator Award winner Su Ryon Shin, PhD, in collaboration with Shabir Hassan, PhD, Deland Fellow Sherry Yu, MD, and other members of the Shin Lab, creates reusable 3D bioprinted face shields that protect frontline workers from COVID at the Brigham.
Jim Ewing Returns to the Cayman Islands
Jim Ewing, the first patient to benefit from a revolutionary Stepping Strong-funded amputation procedure for which he is named, returns to the site of his rock-climbing accident to climb once again. Now when Jim moves his phantom limb, he experiences natural sensations of ankle-foot positions and movements.
Gillian Reny Receives 2017 Patients of Courage Award
Congratulations to Stepping Strong Center Ambassador Gillian Reny for being named a 2017 recipient of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Patient of Courage award. The Patient of Courage program honors reconstructive plastic surgery patients whose charitable actions influence the lives around them.
Army Veteran Benefits from Amputation Surgery
Brandon Korona, an Army veteran and Massachusetts native, underwent an experimental, surgical procedure to amputate his lower left leg. This is the second time that this experimental Stepping Strong-funded procedure, called the Ewing Amputation, has been performed.
Matt Carty Performs Revolutionary Procedure
Jim Ewing, 52, underwent the first-of-its-kind surgical procedure to amputate his lower left leg at Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital. The revolutionary surgery will enable him to perform complex actions and feel sensation by allowing his brain to interact with a robotic prosthetic.
The Essence of Stepping Strong
The Boston Marathon bombing tragedy in 2013 inspired the Reny and Epstien families to turn their personal tragedy into hope for trauma patients. Narrated by Boston Marathon survivor Gillian Reny, this moving portrait describes the mission and vision of the Stepping Strong Center.
2017 Marathon Team
One hundred twenty-two amazing Stepping Strong runners displayed the Boston Strong spirit on April 17 while participating in the Boston Marathon, raising more than $1.2 million to transform outcomes for civilians and military heroes who suffer from devastating traumatic injuries and events.
Hope for Amputees
Stepping Strong Innovator Matt Carty, MD, shares details about his groundbreaking surgical procedure.
2016 Innovator Awards
Michael Weaver, MD, won the award for his project, 21st Century Tools to Measure Bone Healing.
2015 Innovator Awards
Bo Pomahac, MD, won the award for his project, A Portable Device for Rescuing Limbs.
2014 Innovator Awards
Matthew Carty, MD, won the award for his project, Recovering Limb Function: A New Surgical Approach.
2014 Crossing the Finish Line
Arms linked, the first Stepping Strong Marathon Team completed their 26.2 mile journey.
Stepping Strong Launch
Inspired by Gillian Reny, Stepping Strong aims to turn tragedy into hope for trauma patients.